
Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Random Facts

Random Facts

Research indicates that mosquitoes are attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas.

Studies show that if a cat falls off the seventh floor of a building it has about thirty percent less chance of surviving than a cat that falls off the twentieth floor. It supposedly takes about eight floors for the cat to realize what is occurring, relax and correct itself.

Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain on earth (not highest).

A duck's quack doesn't echo and nobody knows why. 

There are 3.5 million seconds a year.

The longest flight of a chicken is 13 seconds.

The average person is about a quarter of an inch taller at night.

The average person laughs 15 times a day.

One quarter of the bones in your body, are in your feet.

Pinocchio is Italian for "pine head."

When Michigan was just a young territory, deer were so common and hunting such a part of life that whole deer or deer skin was used as money ...thus the term buck became.

Recycling one glass jar saves enough energy to watch T.V for 3 hours.

The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing done on computers and other devices.

Bubble gum contains rubber.

there is an estimations of 100 billion planets in our galaxy.

Frozen lobsters can come back to life once thawed.

Slugs have 4 noses.

The longest one-syllable word in the English language is "screeched."

The Earth weighs around 6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons.

Men are 6 x more likely to be struck by lightning than women are.

In Cleveland, Ohio it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license. 

Sneezes travel at the speed of 100 mph.

Bones can self destruct when they don't have enough calcium.

A group of pugs is called a grumble.

According to old English time units a moment consist of 90 seconds.

Rats and horses cannot vomit.

Jellyfish is 95% water ... Only 5% actual jellyfish.

In Apple Valley California it is a criminal offence for a duck to quack after 10 PM.

The name Wendy was made up for the book "Peter Pan."

Conscientious objectors in WW2




On Friday the 28th of August all students from year 4-8 at Yaldhurst Model School who wanted to go skiing did. Unfortunately since it takes about 1 and 1/2 hours to drive to the ski field, consequently we had to be at school by 7:00 am and be on the bus by 7:15 am. 

Unfortunately for us the buses' clutch broke, thus, every time the driver tried to accelerate the bus went backwards, which is not a good thing when there's a corner not far behind you.

Luckily though, after half an hour of attempts to get the bus started, the bus drivers for Cashmere School stopped and put as many kids as they could get into each bus. 

After getting to the ski field we got an hour and a half skiing lesson, then afterwards enjoyed the rest of the day going down the quad and the 6. I really enjoyed skiing as well as sleeping in massively the next morning. 

New Zealand Lakes

 New Zealand Lakes
 (Blue lake pictured above)
NZ Lakes
New Zealand's clearest lake

Blue Lake is not only the clearest lake in New Zealand but also is the clearest lake in the world.


 The deepest lake in New Zealand

Lake Hauroko is the deepest lake in New Zealand with a depth of 463 km.

New Zealand's largest lake

Lake Taupo is the largest lake in New Zealand with an area of 616 km squared

Largest lake in New Zealand's South Island

Lake Te Anua is the second biggest lake in New Zealand covering an area of 334 km squared.

Deepest Lake in North Island

Lake Waikaremoana is the deepest lake in the North Island of New Zealand. 
 Deepest Lakes In NZ 
 The deepest lake in New Zealand

Lake Hauroko is the deepest lake in New Zealand with a depth of 463 km.

Largest lake in New Zealand's South Island

Lake Te Anua is the second biggest lake in New Zealand covering an area of 334 km squared.

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